Our Team


Beau Deja | Managing Partner

Beau is a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor at South Shore Health and Racquet Club. When he’s not in the store or at the club, you’ll find him coaching track and cross country at Lakeshore High School. His best piece of running advice? “Don’t focus on distance or time, forward is a pace.”


Katie Bergman

Katie is our newest team member! She grew up in St. Joseph, and has participated in various local races since she was 8 years old. Katie ran competitively in middle and high school. Today, she enjoys those same local races and recently became a marathoner for the second time! When she’s not at the store, she enjoys spending time with her family, going on road trips, making jewelry and (of course) training for her next race. Katie is a great resource, and looks forward to helping our customers find their next perfect shoe.